This specification has been produced by the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF).

This specification accompanies the set of specifications (Volumes 1-7) that define the Open IPTV Forum Release 2 IPTV Solution.

This specification defines three profiles for the OIPF Release 2 IPTV Solution:

The three profiles are heirarchical in the sense that the Open Internet Profile is formed of a sub-set of the features of the Baseline Managed Profile, and that the Baseline Managed Profile is formed of a sub-set of the features of the Enhanced Managed Profile.

Note that these profile names are defined as technical terms and as such are not intended to be used for any logo mark or similar purpose.

If additional profiles are defined for the Release 2 IPTV Solution, these will be included in future revisions of this specification.

Scope (Informative)

The Open IPTV Forum Release 2 IPTV Solution provides the specification for an end-to-end platform for the deployment of the set of Release 2 IPTV Services. The Open IPTV Forum has developed an end-to-end solution to allow any consumer end-device, compliant to the Open IPTV Forum specifications, to access enriched and personalised IPTV services either in a managed or a non-managed network.

The Release 2 IPTV Solution specification provides multiple options for some features. This specification complements the IPTV Solution specification by defining OIPF implementation and deployment profiles that remove uncertainty about what features are required in an implementation. Any implementation based on the Release 2 IPTV Solution specification must be in adherence to one of the profiles defined in the present specification in order to claim Open IPTV Forum compliance.

Profiles define the minimum set of features that a terminal must support in order to be able to claim compliance to that profile, and the maximum set of features that a service can rely on being present in the OITF. Some features are optional within a profile, and a service can use capability exchange protocols to determine if a terminal supports such features. Some features are mandatory or optional depending on the configuration of the OITF, for example whether the OITF is equipped with local storage or a broadcast tuner.

It is expected that this specification will be used as a key input to the interoperability and certification programs that will be defined for the Release 2 Solution by the Open IPTV Forum.


Terminology and Conventions


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in [[RFC2119]].

All sections and appendixes are normative, unless they are explicitly indicated to be informative.


Access NetworkThe network infrastructure used by the Access Provider to deliver IPTV services to the Consumer.

The access network infrastructure is used for the delivery of the content and may include quality of service management to ensure that appropriate network resources are available for the delivery of the content.

ApplicationCollection of assets and logic that together provide a Service to the User. Assets and logic may reside either in an application Server or in the ITF or both.
Consumer DomainThe domain where the IPTV services are consumed. A consumer domain can consist of a single terminal or a network of terminals and related devices for service consumption.
Consumer NetworkThe local area network in which the IPTV Terminal Function is located. Consumer Networks include Residential Networks, hot spots, hotel networks etc.
Consumer(s)See End User(s).
ContentAn instance of audio, video, audio-video information, or data.
Content GuideAn on-screen guide to Scheduled Content and Content on Demand, allowing a User to navigate, select, and discover content by time, title, channel, genre, etc.
Content on Demand (CoD)A Content on Demand service is a service where a user can select the individual content items they want to watch from the list of available content. Consumption of the content is started upon user request.
Content ProtectionMeans to protect content from unauthorized usage such as re-distribution, recording, playback, duplication etc
Content ProviderEntity that provides Content and associated usage rights to the IPTV Service Provider.
End User(s)The individual(s) (e.g., members of the same family) who actually use the IPTV Services.
InternetThe Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP).
IPTV Service ProviderEntity that offers IPTV Services and which has a contractual relationship with the Subscriber.
IPTV SolutionDefined by the Forum's specifications.
IPTV Terminal Function (ITF)The functionality within the Consumer Network that is responsible for terminating the media and control for an IPTV Service.
Local StorageContent storage within the administrative realm of the IPTV Service Provider, but not in their physical environment (for example, local storage could be a partition of storage located in the residential network and allocated to the Service Provider to pre-load CoD).
native HNI-IGI functionThe procedures for interactions on the HNI-IGI interface are provided as part of the OITF implementation - typically in native code.
non-native HNI-IGI functionThe procedures for interactions on the HNI-IGI interface are provided by a service provider in JavaScript as part of a DAE application.
nPVRNetwork based Personal Video Recorder. Provision of PVR functionality whereby the content is stored in the IPTV Service Provider domain. The nPVR allows a user to schedule recording of scheduled content programs. The user can later select the content they want to watch from the recorded content.
PortalA function of a Service Platform that provides an entry point to individual IPTV Services to Users via a GUI.
ProgramA segment of Scheduled Content with a defined beginning and end.
Program GuideSee Content Guide.
Push CoDA type of Content on Demand where the content is pre-loaded to the ITF local storage by the Service Provider. The user has no direct control of what content is pre-loaded; however the Service Provider may make the choice based on user preferences and habits. Content is available for direct consumption after the user selection is confirmed.
Residential NetworkThe local network of devices (gateways and terminals) at the End User's premises.
Scheduled ContentAn IPTV Service where the playout schedule is fixed by an entity other than the User. The Content is delivered to the user for immediate consumption.
ServiceContent and Applications provided by Service Platform Providers and Service Providers.
Service Access ProtectionMeans to protect IPTV Services from unauthorized usage/access, such as
  • Access from unauthorized users
  • DOS attack
Service Platform ProviderEntity which, based on a contractual relationship with IPTV Service Providers, provides the supporting functions for the delivery of IPTV Services, such as charging, access control and other functions which are not part of the IPTV Service, but required for managing its delivery.
Service ProtectionMeans to protect Contents (files or streams) during their delivery.
Session PortabilityAbility of a given Service/Application to be switched from one device to another for a continuation of a session in real time.
SubscriberThe individual that makes the contract (subscription) with a Service Provider for the consumption of certain Services.
Subscriber ProfileInformation associated with a subscription.
Trick ModeFacility to allow the User to control the playback of Content, such as pause, fast and slow playback, reverse playback, instant access, replay, forward and reverse skipping.
User ProfileInformation (e.g., viewing preferences) associated with a specific User who is a part of a subscription.
User(s)See End User(s).


AGApplication Gateway
APIApplication Programming Interface
AL-FECApplication Layer FEC
A/VAudio and Video
BCGBroadband Content Guide (specified by the DVB Project)
BMPBaseline Managed Profile
CASConditional Access System
CDNContent Delivery Network
CDNCCDN Controller
CDSContent Directory Service
CGContent Guide
CoDContent on Demand
CPECustomer Premise Equipment
CSPContent and Service Protection
CSPGContent and Service Protection Gateway
DAEDeclarative Application Environment
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DRMDigital Rights Management
DSCPDIFFServ Code Point
DTCP-IPDigital Transmission Content Protection over Internet Protocol
DVB-IPDigital Video Broadcasting (over) Internet Protocol
ECMAEuropean Computer Manufacturers Association, ECMA International - European association for standardizing information and communication systems
EITEvent Information Table
EMPEnhanced Managed Profile
EPGElectronic Program Guide
FEFunctional Entity
FCCFast Channel Change
FECForward Error Correction
GBAGeneric Bootstrapping Architecture
GCAGateway-Centric Approach (for CSP)
GUIGraphical User Interface
HASHTTP Adaptive Streaming
HDHigh Definition
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
IGIMS Gateway
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
IMSIP Multimedia Subsystem
IPInternet Protocol
IPTVInternet Protocol Television
ISPInternet Service Provider
ITFIPTV Terminal Function
LANLocal Area Network
MACMessage Authentication Code
NATNetwork Address Translation
nPVRNetwork Personal Video Recorder
OIPOpen Internet Profile
OITFOpen IPTV Terminal Function
OMAOpen Mobile Alliance
PAEProcedural Application Environment
PVRPersonal Video Recorder
QoSQuality of Service
RTPReal Time Protocol
RTCPReal Time Control Protocol
RTSPReal Time Streaming Protocol
RMSRemote Management System
SDStandard Definition
SD&SService Discovery and Selection
SDPSession Description Protocol
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SPService Provider
SPIService Provider Interface
SPPService Platform Provider
SSOSingle Sign-On
STBSet Top Box
TBDTo Be Determined
TCATerminal-Centric Approach (for CSP)
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
UIUser Interface
UNIUser Network Interface
URIUniform Resource Identifier
URLUniform Resource Locator
VoDVideo on Demand
WGWAN Gateway
WANWide Area Network
XHTMLeXtensible Hypertext Markup Language
XMLeXtensible Markup Language

Release 2 IPTV Solution Profiles (Informative)

An OIPF Release 2 IPTV Solution profile is a set of features and elements, as specified in the Open IPTV Forum Release 2 Solution specification, that will be used by any OIPF-defined interoperability and certification program to define equipment or services as being “OIPF compliant”.

The overall objective is to enable the best possible capability and flexibility for Service Providers to deploy Services to terminals that are available in the horizontal (i.e., non-subsidized) market in the near-term time frame. In selecting a set of features and elements that constitute a profile, a balance is made between the following factors:

Open Internet Profile

In the present document the Open Internet Profile is referred to as “OIP”.

An OITF that is compliant with the OIP is referred to as an OIP-OITF.

In the Release 2 IPTV Solution specification, the terms “Unmanaged Network” and “Open Internet” are used interchangeably, to refer to the ability to access any Service Provider using any Access Network Provider without any quality of service guarantees.

Open Internet IPTV Services are accessed via the Internet, without QoS guarantees. They may be accessed via a service platform (e.g., a portal).

The OIP-OITF enables access to compliant services that do not provide QoS guarantees over at least one network segment between the IPTV Service Provider and the OITF, independently from their ISP — i.e. “over the top” (OTT) mode.

The OIP is a sub-set of the BMP and of the EMP in terms of the features included.

The following sub-sections summarise the features of the OIP.

IPTV Services

The OIP-OITF SHALL support the Scheduled Content Service, using the HTTP transport method. Support of the multicast and unicast streamed via RTSP/RTP variants is OPTIONAL.

The OIP-OITF SHALL support the Streamed CoD Service, using the HTTP transport method. Support of the Streamed CoD Service via RTSP/RTP is OPTIONAL.

The OIP-OITF SHALL support Information Services, which are realised as DAE applications.

Support for the Download CoD and Local PVR services in the OIP-OITF is OPTIONAL and depends on the provision of persistent storage in the OITF.

Support for the Hybrid Broadcast Broadband service in the OIP-OITF is OPTIONAL and depends on the provision of at least one broadcast tuner in the OITF.

Residential Network

WAN Gateway

If an OIPF-compliant WAN Gateway is present then it MAY fulfill the relevant network attachment functions as specified in Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]] section 12.1 in order to provide additional Service Provider discovery entry points as described in section 5.3.

IMS Gateway

The IMS Gateway (IG) functional entity is not necessary for access to services not relying on IMS using an OIP-OITF. However, if an IG is present, an OIP-OITF MAY use it to access some IMS-based managed network services.

Application Gateway

The AG functional entity, as generally for the IPTV Release 2 Solution, is OPTIONAL in the OIP.


The REQUIRED features for the OIP-OITF are described in the following sub-sections, which deal with specific aspects of the IPTV Solution.

Section 8 provides details about the IPTV Solution features that SHALL be supported by the OIP-OITF.

Service Provider discovery entry points

The Release 2 IPTV Solution defines three methods for the provision of Service Provider discovery entry points to the OITF. The availability of these various methods enables the User to access various Service Providers' IPTV Services in a convenient manner, namely entry points that are pre-configured in the OITF, manually entered or acquired entry points, and entry points provided by the Access Network Service Provider.

The WAN Gateway MAY provide Service Provider discovery entry points via DHCP, as specified in Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]] section

The OIP-OITF MAY provide pre-configured Service Provider discovery entry points, as specified in the Release 2 Architecture [[.OIPF_ARCH2]] section

The OIP-OITF MAY provide means by which the User is able to enter his own chosen Service Provider discovery entry points via the OITF user interface, as specified in the Release 2 Architecture [[.OIPF_ARCH2]] section

The OIP-OITF SHALL offer the complete set of Service Provider discovery entry points acquired by all of the three above methods, if any are provided, but the method of presentation and relative positioning of the various Service Provider discovery entry points in the user interface is out of scope of the OIPF specifications.

Service discovery and content metadata

If the OIP-OITF provides persistent storage and supports the Download CoD service then it SHALL support the provision of content metadata via the Content Access Descriptor for that service, otherwise all service discovery data and content metadata SHALL be embedded within the DAE application CE-HTML pages.

Authentication methods

The OIP-OITF SHALL support the following authentication methods specified in the indicated sections of Volume 7 [[.OIPF_CSP2]]:

Content and Service Protection

The OIP-OITF SHALL support at least one of the CSP solutions specified in Volume 7 [[.OIPF_CSP2]], i.e. it SHALL support either the TCA and/or CSPG-DTCP and/or CSPG-CI+, in order to support compliant services that deliver protected content.

SVG Tiny V1.2

The use of SVG Tiny 1.2 enables advanced graphics capabilities within a DAE application, but it is expected that not all terminals will be able to support SVG Tiny 1.2, hence the support of SVG Tiny 1.2 in the OIP-OITF is OPTIONAL.

A DAE application MAY use SVG Tiny 1.2 as specified in Volume 5 [[.OIPF_DAE2]], but it is RECOMMENDED that Service Providers ensure that an OITF that does not support SVG Tiny 1.2 is nevertheless able to offer the full functionality of the Service to the User, except for the enhanced user interface.

Remote management

The remote management feature for the OIP facilitates the function of basic inventory of OITFs that are accessing services, without the presence of a remote management server that provisions the OITF.

The OITF SHALL support the remote management API as specified in section 7.11 of Volume 5 [[.OIPF_DAE2]].

The OITF SHALL support an upgrade process that can be triggered via the DAE remote management API. The upgrade process remains manufacturer-specific and the provision of upgrades is subject to deployment needs.

Baseline Managed Profile

In the present document the Baseline Managed Profile is referred to as “BMP”.

An OITF that is compliant with the BMP is referred to as a BMP-OITF.

The BMP is a super-set of the OIP, and a sub-set of the EMP in terms of the features included. All features that are MANDATORY in the OIP are also MANDATORY in the BMP.

The BMP-OITF extends the functions needed to provide the pure “Over-The-Top” (OTT) service support of the OIP with functions that make it able to access content delivery services with full QoS provision in a managed network environment. These functions are chosen in order to allow a BMP-OITF to be able to access the full range of IPTV content services, and act as a near-term intermediate step towards the full range of capabilities offered by the Enhanced Managed Profile (EMP), described in section 7.

Thus, the BMP-OITF enables access to several kinds of IPTV Service:

The following sub-sections summarise the features of the BMP.

IPTV Services

IPTV services support in the BMP is the same as for the OIP, except that in addition to those services the BMP-OITF SHALL support the Scheduled Content and Streamed CoD Services, using the tools described in section 6.4.

Residential Network

WAN Gateway

The WAN Gateway SHALL fulfill the relevant network attachment functions as specified in Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]] section 12.1.

If an OIPF compliant WAN Gateway is not present, for example when a non-OIPF compliant home broadband router is deployed instead, then the BMP-OITF might not be able to access the Scheduled Content and Streamed CoD services.

IMS Gateway

The IMS Gateway (IG) functional entity is not necessary for access to services using a BMP-OITF. However, if an IG is present, a BMP-OITF MAY use it to access IMS-based managed network services.

Application Gateway

The AG functional entity, as generally for the IPTV Release 2 Solution, is OPTIONAL in the BMP.


A DAE application in a BMP-OITF SHALL implement the non-native HNI-IGI interface, as specified in Volumes 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]] and 5 [[.OIPF_DAE2]] of the Release 2 IPTV Solution specification, if it intends to make to use of IMS-based services.

Further REQUIRED features for the BMP-OITF are contained in the following sub-sections, which deal with specific aspects of the IPTV Solution.

Section 8 provides details about the IPTV Solution features that SHALL be supported by the BMP-OITF.

Service Provider discovery entry points

The provisions for Service Provider discovery entry points for the BMP-OITF are the same as those specified for the OIP-OITF in section 5.3.

Scheduled Content and Streamed CoD service enablers

The Scheduled Content and Streamed CoD services are generally associated with managed networks, where the streamed content is provided within a distribution and delivery network that is managed by the Service Provider, so that the necessary level of QoS can be assured for those services.

The BMP-OITF includes support of the features that enable the reception of such services. These include:

The service list for the Scheduled Content service in the BMP MAY be provided by various methods:

The Service Provider MAY use either or both of these methods. The BMP-OITF SHALL support both of these methods.

Content metadata in addition to the service list MAY be provided within the DAE application or via in-band DVB Service Information (EIT), which SHALL be supported by the BMP-OITF.

Authentication methods

The provisions for authentication methods for the BMP-OITF are the same as those specified for the OIP-OITF in section 5.5.

Content and Service Protection

The provisions for content and service protection for the BMP-OITF are the same as those specified for the OIP-OITF in section 5.6.

OITF capabilities

Multiple concurrent video stream decoding support

It is RECOMMENDED that the BMP-OITF support the concurrent decoding and rendering of one HD video stream and one SD video stream.

Services and DAE applications that foresee the concurrent rendering of more than one video stream (e.g. EPG with embedded video preview) SHOULD make provision for replacing the video display with an alternative asset e.g. still picture, in case the OITF does not support multiple video stream decoding and rendering.

Remote management

The provisions for remote management for the BMP-OITF are the same as those specified for the OIP-OITF in section 5.8.

Enhanced Managed Profile

The Enhanced Managed Profile is defined as the combination of both Open Internet and IMS-based Managed Network models of IPTV service operation. In the present document the Enhanced Managed Profile is referred to as “EMP”.

An OITF that is compliant with the EMP is referred to as an EMP-OITF.

The EMP is a super-set of the BMP (also of the OIP), i.e. all features that are MANDATORY in the BMP are also MANDATORY in the EMP. The EMP adds IMS-based functionality, enhanced content delivery features and more extensive management capabilities of the residential network's functional entities.

The following sub-sections summarise the features of the EMP.

IPTV Services

In addition to the requirements around IPTV Services support in the BMP, the EMP-OITF SHALL support the communications services, namely messaging, chat sessions and presence as specified in Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]] section 5.5. The support of audio and audio/video communication services is an OITF implementation are optional, also depending on the integration of corresponding audio and video input devices on the OITF.

Residential Network

WAN Gateway

The WAN Gateway SHALL fulfill the relevant network attachment functions as specified in Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]] sections 12.1 and G.3.

IMS Gateway

The IMS Gateway (IG) SHALL implement the relevant procedures specified in Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]].

Application Gateway

The Application Gateway (AG) functional entity, as is the case generally for the IPTV Release 2 Solution, is OPTIONAL in the EMP.


The EMP-OITF SHALL implement the HNI-IGI interface natively, as specified in Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]], except in the case that a device implements both the OITF and the IG, where the use of the HNI-IGI interface is OPTIONAL, as specified in section 3.1 of Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]].

The EMP-OITF SHALL provide the capability for User input of text in order to use the messaging and chat services. A facility for text input MAY be included in DAE applications.

Service Provider discovery entry points

The provisions for Service Provider discovery entry points for the EMP-OITF are the same as those specified for the OIP-OITF in section 5.3.

Scheduled Content and Streamed CoD service enablers

The Scheduled Content and Streamed CoD services for the EMP are associated with the IMS control layer for managed networks. Therefore the necessary level of QoS is assured transparently (for the OITF) for those services.

The EMP-OITF includes support of the features that enable the reception of such services, namely:

Broadband Content Guide

The EMP-OITF SHALL support the DVB Broadband Content Guide (BCG), and extensions to it as specified in Volume 3 [[.OIPF_META2]] section 3.3.

Authentication methods

In addition to the authentication methods mentioned for the OIP, the EMP-OITF SHALL support the GBA authentication method as specified in section of Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]] when the HNI-IGI function is implemented natively in the EMP-OITF.

Content and Service Protection

The provisions for content and service protection for the EMP-OITF are the same as those specified for the OIP-OITF.

Remote management

In addition to the “DAE method” mentioned for the OIP, Remote Management SHALL be supported also via the Broadband Forum TR-069 based approach, as specified in Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]] section

The TR-069 based method defines a similar level of monitoring and diagnostics capability as that specified in the DAE method, but it allows more convenient re-use of existing TR-069 based remote management infrastructure commonly used by managed network service providers.

Specification of Profile Features

Section 8.1 specifies the status of IPTV Services support for each of the profiles. The subsequent sub-sections specify the status of features grouped according to the Volume of the Release 2 Solution specification in which the respective features are specified. The reference to the specific section in the respective specification volume is provided, along with the status of that service or feature in each of the profiles. Table 1 gives the legend used for denoting the service and feature status in the following sub-sections. Requirements for the provision of IPTV Services are not described in sections 5, 6 and 7. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, a compliant IPTV Service (as listed in Table 2) SHALL support at least one of the options for each feature necessary to run the IPTV Service on the correspondingly profiled OITF.

Table ####: Legend for status in the Profiles
Status in
MFeature is MANDATORY for the Profile
M-DFeature is MANDATORY for the Profile if the Download CoD Service is supported
M-HFeature is MANDATORY for the Profile if the Hybrid broadcast-broadband Service is supported
M-PFeature is MANDATORY for the Profile if the PVR Service is supported
M-CFeature is MANDATORY for the Profile if audio/video communication services are supported
OFeature is OPTIONAL for the Profile
O-DFeature is OPTIONAL for the Profile if the Download CoD Service is supported
O-HFeature is OPTIONAL for the Profile if the Hybrid broadcast-broadband Service is supported
O-PFeature is OPTIONAL for the Profile if the PVR Service is supported
O-CFeature is OPTIONAL for the Profile if audio/video communication services are supported

IPTV Services support in the OITF

Table 2 lists the status of each Release 2 IPTV Service with respect to its support by the OITF in each profile.
Table ####: Release 2 IPTV Service support profiling
IPTV ServiceStatus in OIPStatus in BMPStatus in EMP
Scheduled ContentM(4)M(1)M
  Hybrid broadcast-broadbandO(2)O(2)O(2)
  Local PVR and time-shiftO(3)O(3)O(3)
  Network PVR and time-shiftOOM
Streamed CoDM(4)M(1)M
Download CoDO(3)O(3)O(3)
Information ServicesMMM
Communication services (text-based - Caller ID, Chat Messaging, Presence Status)O(5)O(5)M
Communication services (audio and audio/video communications)O(5)O(5)O(6)


1.The Scheduled Content and Streamed CoD services are realised using a profiled set of service enablers for BMP, specified in sections 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6.
2.The hybrid broadcast-broadband service relies on the presence of a broadcast tuner in the OITF. The OITF MAY support the hybrid broadcast-broadband service if a broadcast tuner is equipped in the OITF.
3.The local PVR, local time-shift and download CoD services rely on the presence of persistent local storage in the OITF. The OITF MAY support the local PVR and/or Local time-shift and/or download CoD services if persistent local storage is equipped in the OITF.
4.The Scheduled Content and Streamed CoD services are realised in the OIP using HTTP transport, as specified in section 8.5.
5.Communication services may be provided natively, or non-natively within a DAE application.
6.Communication services are provided via IMS.

Media Formats

Table 3 lists the status of Media Formats support for each profile, referring to Volume 2 [[.OIPF_MEDIA2]]. Note that Volume 2 contains general Solution-wide stipulations for some of these features. The features subtitles, teletext, and supported video frame rate (25 or 30Hz) are orthogonal to the Profile definitions and thus retain their status as implementation choices.

Volume 2 [[.OIPF_MEDIA2]] also identifies audio and video codecs for IPTV services delivered to mobile terminals via mobile networks. These, however, are not considered in the present Profiles specification.

Table ####: Media formats profiling
FeatureReference in
Volume 2
Status in OIPStatus in BMPStatus in EMP
Systems Layer
MPEG-2 transport stream (TS)4.1MMM
Time-stamped TS (TTS)4.1OOO
MP4 file format (MP4)4.2MMM
Application signaling (TS)4.1M-H(1)MM
DAE application delivery via DSM-CC (TS)4.1M-H(1)MM
“Do it now” DSM-CC streaming events (TS)4.1M-H(1)MM
Media zones (TS and MP4)4.1, 4.2OOO
Video for content services
H.264/AVC HD video5.1.1.1, 5.1.6MMM
H.264/AVC 3D video5.1.7.1OOO
H.264/AVC SD video5.1.2.1, 5.1.6MMM
H.264/AVC SP video5.1.4.1MMM
MPEG-2 HD video5.1.1.2OOO
MPEG-2 SD video5.1.2.2OOO
MPEG-2 SP video5.1.4.2OOO
Video for communication services5.1.3
H.264/AVC video5.1.3.1M-CM-CM-C
MPEG-4 Part-2 Visual video5.1.3.2O-CO-CO-C
H.263 video5.1.3.3O-CO-CO-C
DVB subtitles6.1OO(2)O(2)
CEA-708-C subtitles6.1OO(2)O(2)
EBU teletext6.1OO(2)O(2)
EBU teletext7.1OOO
Audio for content services
HE-AAC audio8.1.1MMM
HE-AAC v2 audio8.1.1OOO
HE-AAC metadata8.1.1.3OOO
AC-3 audio8.1.2OOO
Enhanced AC-3 audio8.1.3OOO
MPEG-1 L2 audio8.1.4OOO
MPEG-1 L3 audio8.1.5OOO
WAV audio8.1.6OOO
DTS-HD audio8.1.7OOO
MPEG Surround with HE-AAC audio8.1.8OOO
MPEG Surround with MPEG-1 L2 audio8.1.9OOO
Audio description8.2.2OOO
Clean audio8.2.3OOO
Audio for narrowband communication services8.1.9
G.711 audio8.1.9M-CM-CM-C
AMR audio8.1.9M-CM-CM-C
G.729 audio8.1.9O-CO-CO-C
Audio for wideband communication services8.1.9
G722 audio8.1.9M-CM-CM-C
AMR-WB/G.722.2 audio8.1.9M-CM-CM-C
G.729.1 audio8.1.9O-CO-CO-C
Audio for super-wideband communication services8.1.9
Still pictures and graphics


1.SHALL be supported where DVB-SI is supported.
2.Subtitle formats are region-specific. The BMP-OITF and the EMP-OITF SHALL support at least one of the subtitle formats, possibly also as dictated by applicable regional requirements.

HTTP Adaptive Streaming

Table 4 specifies the status of HTTP Adaptive Streaming features for each profile, referring to Volume 2a [[.OIPF_HAS2]].

Table ####: HTTP adaptive streaming profiling
FeatureReference in
Volume 2a
Status in OIPStatus in BMPStatus in EMP
MPEG-DASH for MP44, 4.3OOO
OIPF HAS for MPEG-2 TS5, 5.6.1OOO
OIPF HAS for MP45, 5.6.2OOO

Content Metadata

Table 5 lists the status of Content Metadata features as specified in Volume 3 for each profile, referring to Volume 3 [[.OIPF_META2]].

Table ####: Content Metadata profiling
FeatureReference in
Volume 3, unless
specified otherwise
Status in OIPStatus in BMPStatus in EMP
Service provider discovery5.2.13.7 of [[!TS102034]]OMM
Broadcast discovery — TS Optional SI5.2.13.2 of [[!TS102034]]OMM
ApplicationDiscovery record5.4.5 of [[!TS102809]]OMM
Package discovery5.2.13.4 of [[!TS102034]]OMM
BCG discovery5.2.13.1 of [[!TS102034]]OOM
Other SD&S types[[!TS102034]]OOO
Extension of DVB SD&S
Service Provider Discovery Extensions
  Emergency Notification Service3.2.1.1, B.4OOO
Service Discovery Extensions
  Bandwidth Renegotiation3.2.2.1, B.7OOM
  Purchasing Broadcast Services3.2.2.2, B.7OOM
  Container Format Indication3.2.2.3, B.7OOM
  FCC/RET Attribute Definition3.2.2.4OMM
Application Announcement and Signaling
  Service provider related application signaling3.2.3.1OMM
  Broadcast related application signaling3.2.3.2OMM
  Platform specific Definitions
    Type Element of ApplicationDescriptor3.
    mhpVersion Element of Application Descriptor3.
    Specific ApplicationUsage Element of ApplicationUsageDescriptor3.
    Graphic format for application icons3.
    Application extensions3.
    ApplicationSpecificDescriptor extensions3.
DVB BCG and OIPF Extension3.3OOM
Metadata Delivery Mechanism
  Carriage of SD&S Metadata4.1.1OMM
  Carriage of BCG Metadata4.1.2OOM(2)
  Event Information Table (EIT)4.1.3OMM
CRID Location Resolution4.3 and [[!TS102539]]OOM


1.Mandatory for service providers who signal applications providing the defined services. Service discovery and non-native HNI-IGI applications SHALL be supported by the OITF; other applications MAY be supported by the OITF.
2.Support for metadata searches via SOAP protocol is OPTIONAL.


Table 6 specifies the status of Protocols features for each profile, referring to Volume 4 [[.OIPF_PROT2]].

Volume 4a [[.OIPF_PROT_EX2]] is informative, hence the profiles do not make any reference to that volume.

Table ####: Protocols profiling
FeatureReference in
Volume 4, unless
specified otherwise
Status in OIPStatus in BMPStatus in EMP
Multicast content streaming8.1.1, 9.1.1OMM
Multicast content streaming with SIP session management5.3.1,, 8.1.1, 9.1.1OOM
Multicast content streaming with FCC9.5, Annex MOMM
Unicast content streaming over RTP7.1.1.1, 9.1.2OMM
Unicast content streaming over RTP with SIP session management5.3.2.1,, 9.1.2OOM
Unicast and multicast content streaming with Retransmission (RET)9.4, Annex MOMM
Unicast content streaming with SIP session management5.3.2,
HTTP content streaming (CoD progressive)
Forced Play Out Control with SIP session management5.3.3,
HTTP content download5.3M-DM-DM-D
Purchase of Digital Media using SIP5.3.5,,
Pay Per View multicast content service with SIP session management5.3.6,,
Parental Control for content using SIP5.3.7,,
Network-based user notification services5.3.8,,
Network-centric Content Bookmarking5.3.9,,
Local PVR using SIP5.3.10,,
Network PVR using SIP5.3.11,,
Personalised Channel5.3.12,,
Unicast content streaming session transfer with SIP session management5.3.13,,
Service provider discovery5.4.1
1) Web PageMMM
2) SD&S recordsOSee DVB SD&S section of Table 5See DVB SD&S section of Table 5
Service discovery5.4.2
1) Web PageMMM
2) SD&S recordsOSee DVB SD&S section of Table 5See DVB SD&S section of Table 5
XCAP Application Usage for IPTV Service (profile)
Subscription to notification of changes in the IPTV Service Profile5.
Remote management of OITF5.4.5
1) TR-0695.4.5.1OO(10)M
2) DAE App5.4.5.2M(7)MM
User registration and network authentication5.4.6OOM
Protocols for communication functions using SIP5.5, 6.2.4
  Caller ID5.5.1,
  Instant Messaging5.5.2,
  Chat using MSRP5.5.3,
  A/V Telephony6.2.4.6, 9.6O(5)O(5)O
Content Sharing5.5.5,
HNI-IGI — HTTP option5.6.1O(5)O(5)M(1)
HNI-IGI — SIP option6.2OOM
RTSP profile without SIP session management7.1.1.1OMM
RTSP profile with SIP session management7.1.1.2OOM
RTSP/RTCP Monitoring7.1.1.2, 7.2.1OOO
Interactive application delivery using FLUTE (UNIS-6, UNIS-12)
MPEG-2 TS RTP/UDP for multicast content streaming9.1.1OMM
MPEG-2 TS RTP/UDP for unicast content streaming9.1.2OMM
DVB-IPTV base-layer AL-FEC9.3OMM
UPnP Discovery of the IG10.1.1.1OOM
UPnP Discovery of the AG10.1.1.2OOM
UPnP Discovery of the CSPG-DTCP10.1.1.3OOM
DLNA Function11OOO
Network Attachment (DHCP-based)12.1.1MMM
DHCP options 1, 6, 6112.
DHCP options 1512.
DHCP options 43, 6012.
DHCP option 12012.
DHCP options 124/12512.
Service provider discovery entry points
1) Pre-defined by manufacturer[[.OIPF_ARCH2]]
2) Input from user[[.OIPF_ARCH2]]
3) DHCP configuration option 124/12512.
MPEG-2 TS UDP13.1.1.1OOM
NAT TraversalAnnex F.6OMM


1.The feature is OPTIONAL for communication between the IG and OITF when integrated into a single device. The IG SHALL nevertheless provide HNI-IGI for other OITFs in the residential network.
2.The OITF MAY include pre-configured service provider discovery entry points.
3.The OITF MAY include a facility for the User to acquire service provider discovery entry points via the OITF UI.
4.The OITF SHALL acquire service provider discovery entry points provided via this method and SHALL make these available to the User.
5.Feature is however provided non-natively via DAE APIs.
6.DHCP options 124/125 apply only to web page URLs in the OIP.
7.The getParameter method is OPTIONAL.
8.Regulatory requirements might imply this feature to be mandatory to be implemented.
9.The local PVR, local time-sjift and download CoD services rely on the presence of persistent local storage in the OITF. The OITF MAY support the local PVR and/or Local time-shift and/or download CoD services if persistent local storage is equipped in the OITF.
10.The remote management feature is mandatory, but TR-069-based remote management of the OITF is optional when a functionally equivalent solution is implemented in the OITF, allowing a remote call of the methods and properties as specified in section

Declarative Application Environment

Table 7 specifies the status of DAE features for each profile, referring to Volume 5 [[.OIPF_DAE2]].

Table ####: DAE features profiling
FeatureReference in
Volume 5
Status in OIPStatus in BMPStatus in EMP
Gateway Discovery and Control4.2OOM(12)
Application Definition4.3MMM
Widgets4.3.9, 5.2.8, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.8, 9.3.20, 11OOO
Resource Management4.4MMM
Content Download4.6M-D(19)M-D(19)M-D(19)
Streaming CoD4.7M(13),(14),(17)M(13),(17)M
Scheduled content4.8OMM
Remote control function4.9, 7.17, 8.5, 9.3.18, 10.3, Annex JOOO
Power management4.10, 7.2.4, 9.3.19OOO
Display model4.11, Annex HMMM
Application lifecycle5.1M(20)M(20)M(20)
Application Announcement & Signalling5.2MMM
  Basics5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.5, 5.2.6MMM
  Broadcast related applications5.2.3, 5.2.7OMM
  Service provider related applications5.2.4, 5.2.7OOM
  Extended hybrid support5.2.7.2M-H(10)MM
Event Notification Framework based on CEA 20145.3.1OOO
Outgoing request messages and in-session incoming request messages5.3.2.1,
Out of session incoming request messages5.3.2.3OOO
Web standards TV profile6.1MMM
Still image formats6.2MMM
Media formats6.3MMM
Object Factory API7.1MMM
Applications Management APIs7.2MMM
The application/oipfConfiguration embedded object7.3.1MMM
Configuration and Setting APIs
  The Configuration class7.3.2M(1)M(1)M(1)
  The LocalSystem class7.3.3OM(2)M(2)
  The NetworkInterface class, the NetworkInterfaceCollection class7.3.4, 7.3.6OOO
  The AVOutput class, the AVOutputCollection class7.3.5, 7.3.7OOO
  The TunerCollection class, the Tuner class, the SignalInfo class, the LNBInfo class7.3.8, 7.3.9, 7.3.10, 7.3.11OOO
  The StartupInformation class7.3.12OOO
Content Download APIs
Basic content download — the application/oipfDownloadTrigger embedded object7.4.1M-DM-DM-D
Extensions to application/oipfDownloadTrigger7.4.2O-D(3)O-D(3)M-D
The application/oipfDownloadManager embedded object, The Download class, The DownloadCollection class7.4.3, 7.4.4, 7.4.5O-DO-DO-D
The DRMControlInformation class, The DRMControlInfoCollection class7.4.6, 7.4.7O-DO-DO-D
Content On Demand Metadata APIs7.5OOM
Content Service Protection API7.6MMM
Gateway Discovery and Control APIs7.7O(18)M(4)M(12)
IMS Related APIs
application/oipfIMS embedded object7.8.1, 7.8.3, 7.8.4, 7.8.5, 7.8.6OOM
Extensions to application/oipfIMS for presence and messaging services7.8.2, 7.8.7, 7.8.8OOM
Extensions to application/oipfIMS for voice telephony service7.8.9OOO
Extensions to application/oipfIMS for video telephony service7.8.10OOO
The DeviceInfo class, the DeviceInfoCollecion class, the CodecInfo class, the CodecInfoCollection class7.8.11, 7.8.12, 7.8.13, 7.8.14OOO
Parental access control APIs
application/oipfParentalControlManager embedded object7.9.1, 7.9.2, 7.9.3O(5)O(5)O(5)
ParentalRating and ParentalRatingCollection7.9.4, 7.9.5O-H(5)O(5)O(5)
Scheduled Recording APIs
Basic PVR support — the application/oipfRecordingScheduler embedded object7.10.1, 7.10.2, 7.10.3O-PM-PM-P
Advanced PVR support — Extension to application/oipfRecordingScheduler for control of recordings7.10.4, 7.10.5, 7.10.6, 7.10.7O-P(6)M-P(6)M-P(6)
OITF-centric Bookmark and BookmarkCollection7.10.8, 7.10.9OOO
Remote management APIs7.11M(16)MM
Metadata search APIs7.12OOM(7),(8)
Synchronisation to video7.13.21M-H(10)MM
Broadcast video
video/broadcast embedded object7.13.1, 7.13.4, 7.13.9, 7.13.10, 7.13.11OMM
Extensions for recording and timeshift7.13.2O-PO-PO-P
Access to DVB-SI EIT p/f7.13.3M-H(10)MM
Extensions to video/broadcast for parental ratings errors7.13.5O(5)O(5)M
Extensions to video/broadcast for DRM rights errors7.13.6OMM
Extensions to video/broadcast for channel scan7.13.7, 7.13.14O-H(9)O-H(9)O-H(9)
Extensions to video/broadcast for creating Channel lists from SD&S fragments7.13.8OMM
Favourite lists7.13.12, 7.13.13O-HOO
Enhanced channel scan7.13.15 - 7.13.20, 7.13.22O-HO-HO-H
Media playback APIs
Basics7.14.1.1,, 7.14.2, 7.14.3, 7.14.4, 7.14.8, 7.14.9MMM
Using an A/V control object to play downloaded content7.14.1.3M-DM-DM-D
Using an A/V control object to play recorded content7.14.1.4M-PM-PM-P
Extensions to A/V object for parental rating errors7.14.5O(5)O(5)M
Extensions to A/V object for DRM rights errors7.14.6MMM
Extensions to A/V object for playing media objects (downloaded or recorded content or CoD via BCG)7.14.7M-D, M-PM-D, M-PM
Playback of memory audio7.14.10MMM
Extensions to A/V Control object for media queuing7.14.11MMM
Extensions to A/V Control object for volume control7.14.12MMM
Extensions to A/V Control object for resource management7.14.13MMM
application/oipfMDTF embedded object7.15.1OOO
application/oipfStatusView embedded object7.15.2OOO
application/oipfCapabilities embedded object7.15.3MMM
The Navigator class7.15.4MMM
Debug Print API7.15.5MMM
Shared utility classes and features
Base collections7.16.1MMM
Programme - basics7.16.2.1,, 7.16.3M-H(10), M-PMM
Metadata extensions to Programme7.16.2.3O-HMM
DVB-SI extensions to Programme7.16.2.4O-HMM
Recording extensions to Programme7.16.2.5M-PM-PM-P
The DiscInfo class7.16.4M-D, M-PM-D, M-PM-D, M-P
Extensions for playback of selected media components7.16.5MMM
Additional support for protected content7.16.6MMM
HTTP User-Agent header8.1.1MMM
HTTP X-OITF-RCF-User-Agent header8.1.2MMM
Mapping from APIs to Protocols

CoD download over HTTP8.2.1M-DM-DM-D
CoD unicast streaming with SIP session management8.2.2OOM
Scheduled Content multicast streaming with SIP session management8.2.3OOM
Communication services with SIP session management8.2.4OOO
CoD unicast streaming over RTP and HTTP8.2.5M(21)MM
Scheduled content multicast streaming8.2.6OOM
URI Schemes and their usage8.3M(11),(14)M(11)M
Minimum DAE capability requirements9.1MMM
  Multiple simultaneous applications9.1OMM
Default UI profiles9.2MMM
Client capability Description9.3MMM
HTML 5 <video> tagAnnex I, 9.3.17OOO
Content Access Descriptor Syntax and Semantics
Content Access Download Descriptor FormatAnnex E.1M-DM-DM-D
Basic content access descriptorAnnex E.2, Annex E.3MMM
Capability Extensions SchemaAnnex FMMM
Client Channel Listing FormatAnnex GOOO


1.Read-only access to the following properties SHALL be supported — preferredAudioLanguage, preferredSubtitleLanguage and countryID. Read-write access to these properties, all the other properties and all methods are OPTIONAL.
2.The deviceID property SHALL be supported. Other properties and methods are OPTIONAL.
3.Only applicable where both BCG and download are supported.
4.API mandatory but fails where protocol is not supported by the OIP-OITF or BMP-OITF.
5.Aspects of this may be mandatory depending on applicable regulation.
6.Recordings made by applications from one service provider SHALL NOT be visible to applications from other service providers.
7.Mapping from this API to BCG SHALL be supported. Mapping from this API to DVB-SI MAY be supported in OITFs that support hybrid service.
8.Support for processing searches on a remote server using the SOAP based protocol is optional.
9.SHALL be supported if the OITF does not include a means for the user to initiate this manually, otherwise OPTIONAL.
10.SHALL be supported where DVB-SI is supported.
11.The crid URI scheme is OPTIONAL.
12.The feature is OPTIONAL for communication between the IG and OITF when integrated into a single device. The IG SHALL nevertheless provide HNI-IGI for other OITFs in the residential network.
13.Only unicast mode streaming is REQUIRED to be supported.
14.The support of “rtsp” and "dvb-mcast" URLs is OPTIONAL.
15.Feature applies to DAE applications, rather than to the OITF.
16.The getParameter method is OPTIONAL.
17.Only “http” URLs are REQUIRED to be supported.
18.If CSPG-DTCP or CSPG-CI+ is supported then the CSP Gateway Discovery and URL properties SHALL be supported, however the CSP Gateway URL has no meaning in the case of CSPG-CI+.
19.Excluding requirements to support the application/oipfStatusView object which is optional.
20.Section “Applications provided by the AG through the remote UI" is only required where section 4.2 is supported.
21.Only those elements of relevant to HTTP are mandatory. Section and elements of relevant to RTSP are optional in line with the corresponding sections of [[.OIPF_PROT2]].

Procedural Application Environment

The complete Procedural Application Environment is REQUIRED to be used as the core component of the Application Gateway (AG) functional entity; however the use of the AG is OPTIONAL with all three OITF profiles.

Authentication, Content Protection and Service Protection

Table 8 lists the status of OITF support of features as specified in Volume 7 [[.OIPF_CSP2]] for each profile

Table ####: Authentication and CSP profiling/caption>
FeatureReference in
Volume 7
Status in OIPStatus in BMPStatus in EMP
Terminal Centric Approach (TCA)4.1O(1)O(1)O(1)
  Marlin metering in OITF4.1OOO
  Protected formats
    OMA P/DCF4.1.4OOO
    Marlin IPMPx4.1.4OOO
    Protected MPEG-2 TS4.1.4, 4.1.5MMM
Gateway Centric Approach (GCA)4.2O(1),(2)O(1),(2)O(1),(2)
OITF Authentication5.4
  HTTP basic and digest authentication5.4.1MMM
  Web based authentication5.4.3MMM
  HTTP Digest Authentication using IMS Gateway5.4.4OOM
  GBA authentication using IMS Gateway5.4.5OOM
IMS registration — OITF5.5OOM
Session management5.6
  Cookie session5.6.1MMM
  HTTP authentication session5.6.3MMM
  SAML web-based SSO5.6.4MMM
Forced Play Out Using Media Zones6OOO


1.At least one of TCA, GCA-CI+ or GCA-DTCP SHALL be supported.
2.Support for Volume 7 [[.OIPF_CSP2]] sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 on DAE and CSPG interfacing are also OPTIONAL in the OITF if the GCA is not supported.